
Our Pub Crew is responsible for several fun events during the school year, below you can read more about some of them.

Nation Rounds
Every semester, our dear Pub Crew usually organize Nations Rounds! There we have the opportunity to eat and drink well in different nations, at the same time as you do some assignments, have quizzes, solve rebusar or the like!

The Orogeny
This is GRUS’s ugly seating, masquerade, mega party or call it whatever you want! An incredibly popular event when it comes to cutting a ticket quickly. Often complete with a theme with accompanying outfit, spex and a lot of nice melodies directly from the holy songbook. Uses coincide with the halloween celebration.

Christmas party
At Christmas times, GRUS's Christmas party shows up, and it's an opportunity to iron the shirt and wrap the dress as this is a "finer" sitting, often with a more cozy clothes code. During the sessions, it is offered on three-course, beautiful singing and very good company from GRUS and BER.


In addition to our Pub Crew’s events, we can also attend several other events. Our friends in BÄR often invite you to party and other fun. Even the corps organize a lot of things, both festivities and more serious events, including, among other things, the Forsränning (The River Raft) and Utnarm are two major recurring events. More info about these are most easily found on the respective Facebook and website.

To get in touch with our club workers, please e-mail nvg-klubb@utn.se.